Friday, September 24, 2010

last week and everything

Well I've finally recovered enough from last weekend's quilt show to feel like I've caught back up on my life. Whew! The Show was awesome. It was alot of work, but I had a great team of peeps backing me up. And Hubbie kept the fort held down at home. So thanks to all those people!

Next up, our upstairs AC went out last Wednesday night. It really wouldn't have been much of an issue if the temperatures in Atlanta weren't topping 95 degrees everyday. So after sleeping two nights trying to make due with fans, we moved to the sofas in the family room. The part needed to fix the AC came in and it was fixed yesterday. Last night was the first night back in my own bed. It was fabulous!

My plan this weekend is to totally slug. I might even get some sewing in. And I really need to work on my tennis serve too. Winter Mixed Doubles season is coming up and I gotta get ready.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

lilypatch 9 in the sun and previews of next big project

2 days and counting....

Quick post to say, I have a fabulous outdoor picture of LilyPatch 9 that I WILL post soon. However, this post is to say....2 days and counting until THE Quilt Show. You might recall I'm the Committee Chairperson this year. It's been alot of hard work and stress, but I've got a really great team working with me. If you're in the area, pop by and come see our quilts. They are totally awesome!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

here it is....

So here's LilyPatch 9. The bleeding faded some after all my various treatments, it's not as obvious as before. I just told Hubbie I might do one more application of OxyClean. Sorry about the quality of picture. The sun is setting and I had to rely on lamplight. Better pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

it's not looking good....

A quick quilt update...I'm on stain remover 4. If this one doesn't do it, I'm calling it. I'm sure it's new owners will embrace it "warts" and all. Sniffle, sniffle. Once I'm done with all my various treatments I'll take it's portrait. Other than its beauty spots, it really is a lovely quilt.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, September 6, 2010

why, oh why, quilting gods?

Today I was going to be officially DONE with LilyPatch 9. I finished the custom quilting, the binding, label, and everything had gone swimmingly. I tossed the quilt in the wash to achieve the crinklely goodness we all love and when I pulled it out of the dryer, color bleed! I'm on round 3 of washing with stain removal stuff #3...pray for my quilt. I've never ever prewashed fabrics before. I've always used the color sheet and never had a problem. Truthfully, I think it maybe the thread I used. Oh well.

On to funner oldest has started feeding the outside neighborhood cat, Kiki. She has a collar and everything but even before the oldest started leaving food, Kiki had started taking up residence on our sidewalk and front porch. She even threw up a field mouse she had caught in front of our garage door as proof of her admiration.

With the Atlanta weather being so cooperative, we sat outside today on the front porch. And look what my oldest brought me to hold.
Yes I held it. And got a handful of frog pee as my reward.

Here's the animal lover herself. I can only hope she buys a farm to keep all her animals on when she grows up.
And finally, an Evey picture. She had just finished barking in answer to the neighborhood dogs. She was so full of herself.
My home and people are safe!

Keep my quilt in your thoughts.....