Friday, September 26, 2008

The best made plans...

This past weekend was "supposed" to be a sewing heavy weekend. Notice the word supposed.....the two days got away from me. So you say, you have Monday (your day off to yourself), get some sewing done today. Ha ha! 8 loads of laundry, a dishwasher full of dishes, and a trip to the grocery store later, there looks to be no sewing in my future.

Three things of note from the weekend though,

1. Hold on to your hats -- I bought a quilting frame on ebay this weekend. I'm ramping up to do some hand quilting. Anyone who knows me realizes how bizarre this seems. This will be a whole new challenge.

2. We picked up my Dad's roll top desk from my mother's house. I was reminded that it was my grandfather's before that. How cool is that?! We made a slight modification so retro fit it for PC related stuff. I'll take a picture soon of the girls sitting at their Paw Paw's desk using the computer.

3. Saturday we went to our company's fall festival (BBQ, games, and such). The Munchkins participated in the annual scavenger hunt with two other cuties, children of friends. And they won first place. Keep in mind that several all adult teams also participated....and the Munchkins won! No help from us adults who just sat and talked. I'm so proud. They were still riding the high this morning on the way to school.

Take care and send wishes of sewing my way!

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