Monday, June 16, 2008

We're here! We're here!

We're finally here! We've been enjoying Destin, FL entirely since our arrival Saturday after lunch. Of course, as soon as we unpacked, the Munchkins had their swimsuits on and we were headed to the beach. Even as we were white sand bound, the dark clouds were driving the masses back to their abodes. Hubbie and I decided that we would tough it out, after all the Munchkins had been anticipating this moment for months. It rained alittle and the Munchkins didn't even really notice until they came out to ask us to come in the water.
So here we are Day 3, all pleasantly full from a dinner of boiled shrimp and King Crab. All except Rosy, nursing some slightly sunburned part of our anatomy (noses, shoulders, or backs), planning our early evening back out on the sand. The best part so far this year...the Munchkins LOVE the ocean. They can't get enough of Hubbie and I escorting them out to the sandbar to jump waves and go under to see the sealife (a crab the size of a dinner plate-yes I screamed, at least a footlong fish swishing by Lily's and my feet, and Rose's almost too close encounter with a jellyfish-"what's that, Mommy?") And to document the crazy eating preferences of my Munchkins, here they are cracking crab legs and their finished plates.....
Tomorrow, we'll be trying to gain some educational value out of the trip and head over to Fort Morgan--"Damn the torpedos, full steam ahead." What Hubbie doesn't know is that we'll be making a quick stop into a Borders to purchase "Twilight" (thanks Shannon :)). I finished the Harry Potter I brought 2/3 done and "The Next Big Thing" my friend Christy loaned me. All I have left is a cheesy romance a friend loaned me and a Fanny Flagg novel I've read a million times. I need something else....vampire romance...sounds good to me!


Kate said...

I'm jealous... two more weeks until our feet hit sand and counting. Everytime I have seen your girls' faces the last few weeks I am astounded by how much their features have changed just recently, they're growing up, sigh. Have a margarita on the balcony for me!

Kathy Bridges said...

That crab looks so good!!!!! Fun at the beach...

Shannon said...

Family vacations are the best. Enjoy Twilight! I can't wait for your next entry....