Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where did the week go?

So sorry it's been almost a week since my last post. I've been a busy, busy girl. Here we go....

First, I was busily making eyeglass cases for my sister and mother. Got the sewing done. When I did the Shrinky Dink buttons, they shrunk all wonky. Boo! :( So naturally I need to redo and I'm out of frosted Shrinky Dink material.

Second, getting ready for the Nashville AQS weekend extravaganza! The oldest Munchkin is chomping at the bit ready to roll with the big dogs and go see quilts and shop. I finished her backpack last weekend....
We've been talking about our shopping list for goodies to take on our trip. While the quiltin' ladies will be drowning our sore feet and buyer's remorse with vodka tonics, Munchkin will be sipping on sparkling apple cider. We're all so excited! Then the youngest Munchkin is rarin' to go stay with her older alter self, Miss Kristin. Two single gals out and about (one in her 20s and one 7 going on 30!)

Speaking of the youngest Munchkin, we've hit a 2nd grade milestone. She came home from school today terrified out of her mind about Bloody Mary. "It's true Mommy! It's true! You say her name at midnight and she comes and cuts your head off!" After I calmed her down and told her that it was just a ghost story to scare little kids, and tried to give her some historical background on the tale, she has become obsessed with educating everyone around her. Her older sister (who by the way didn't go to the restroom at school for a whole year after she heard that Bloody Mary would rise out of the toilet to take her murderous revenge) scoffed at her little sister. Oh the joys of friends at school....


Gretchen said...

Can't wait to hear about your adventures at AQS!! Oh how funny about Bloody Mary--I remember being terrified at about that same age after watching "Salem's Lot"! I was convinced the vampires were coming to get me.

Shannon said...

Have Fun!

If my kids are told something by a friend or teacher, it's like gospel.